Armand Rousseau、Dugat-Py、甚至是Domaine d’Auvenay都在这块田上大有作为。的确,
如果你品尝过Harmand Geoffroy Mazis-Chambertin,那一切言语都尽在酒中了。

我想,你要说的应该是Armand Rousseau、Claude Dugat、Dugat-Py等。作为夜丘产区的“男高音”,Gevrey Chambertin村的雄浑风土就像是一首交响乐。而Harmand-Geoffroy就是这首交响乐中弦乐,提琴穿针引线,悠扬的不可或缺。家族生性低调,但是如今在勃艮第的涨价大潮中,Harmand-Geoffroy因淳朴友善的价格被推上了值得信赖的海岸,然后一杯饮下,便久久不能忘怀。
2018年,《今日勃艮第》杂志再次推荐Domaine Harmnd-Geoffroy Mazis-Chambertin 为该特级园的标杆。
"Gérard Harmand, and his son Philippe, run this 9 ha domaine (that owns the rarely seen monopole of La Bossière) where a great deal of progress has been made in the last few years since my last visit. As Gérard explained, this father-son team are trying to make wines with more elegance and finesse…I agree completely with Harmand's assertion that they're now making wines that are better balanced and less overtly rustic than in the past…" Allen Meadows,, Issue 29.
Domaine Harmand-Geoffroy酒庄历史可追溯到19世纪末,酒庄目前共有葡萄园约9公顷,全部位于Gevery-Chambertin村,其中包括0.77公顷的Mazis-Chambertin特级园。大部分的葡萄藤藤龄在55到95岁之间。一级园约1.63公顷(包括Lavaut-St.-Jacques、Les Champeaux、Les Bossière、La Perrière),村级约6.32公顷。
现任庄主Philippe Harmand是一个特别腼腆的人,他和父亲Gérard Harmand一起,将家族酒庄推上了新的高度。尤其是在过去的5年里,Domaine Harmand-Georroy发生了令人惊喜的变化。


「Domaine Harmand-Geoffroy晚宴: 一曲雄浑的交响乐」
TFWE非常荣幸可以将Domaine Harmand-Geoffroy的酒进口到中国大陆,并且已经迫不及待与大家分享。
此次酒单,我们挑选了Domaine Harmand-Geoffroy的一系列酒,2016年份是勃艮第近些年当中最令人津津乐道的年份,如果说15年是所谓的”世纪大年”,那么2016的精致和恰到好处,既能早饮又能陈年的个性,更令人喜悦。2016年,多灾多难的一年,但是从中能生存下来葡萄,皆是赢家。
超高性价比的酒单,搭配The Merchants为此次活动精心搭配的法式料理。7月17号,来自Gevrey-Chambertin的交响乐,听,在向你呼唤。
2016 Domaine Harmand-Geoffroy - Gevrey-Chambertin
2016 Domaine Harmand-Geoffroy - Gevrey-Chambertin 'Vieilles Vignes'
2008 Domaine Harmand-Geoffroy - Gevrey-Chambertin 1er Cru 'Lavaux St Jacques'
2016 Domaine Harmand-Geoffroy - Gevrey-Chambertin 1er Cru 'Lavaux St Jacques'
2016 Domaine Harmand-Geoffroy - Gevrey-Chambertin 1er Cru 'La Perrière'
2016 Domaine Harmand-Geoffroy - Gevrey-Chambertin 1er Cru 'La Bossière' Monopole
2005 Domaine Harmand-Geoffroy - Mazis-Chambertin Grand Cru
2016 Domaine Harmand-Geoffroy - Mazis-Chambertin Grand Cru

超高性价比的酒单,搭配The Merchants为此次活动精心搭配的法式料理,令人十分期待!

文: 宋靚琦
订票及查询:微信 FineWineExperience 或电邮

7月17日, 北京晚宴 Gevrey-Chambertin村的低调男高音: Domaine Harmand-Geoffroy (中文讲解)
Wine Luncheons and Dinners
Date Wednesday 17 July 2019
Time 19:00 - 22:00
Venue 大酉 The Merchants (北京市东城区美术馆后街77号文创美术馆内)
Ticket 每位 RMB 1,480 或 HKD 1,680 (已包括晚宴费用)
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Event wine list

Vintage Wine Bottle size Score
2016 Domaine Harmand-Geoffroy - Gevrey-Chambertin 750ml --
2016 Domaine Harmand-Geoffroy - Gevrey-Chambertin 'Vieilles Vignes' 750ml --
2008 Domaine Harmand-Geoffroy - Gevrey-Chambertin 1er Cru 'Lavaux St Jacques' 750ml --
2016 Domaine Harmand-Geoffroy - Gevrey-Chambertin 1er Cru 'Lavaux St Jacques' 750ml --
2016 Domaine Harmand-Geoffroy - Gevrey-Chambertin 1er Cru 'La Perrière' 750ml --
2016 Domaine Harmand-Geoffroy - Gevrey-Chambertin 1er Cru 'La Bossière' Monopole 750ml --
2005 Domaine Harmand-Geoffroy - Mazis-Chambertin Grand Cru 750ml BH94
2016 Domaine Harmand-Geoffroy - Mazis-Chambertin Grand Cru 750ml --

Wines available for sale

Vintage Wine Bottle Size Unit of sale Qty of unit Qty of btl Btl price (HKD) Score Location
2016 Domaine Harmand-Geoffroy - Mazis Chambertin Grand Cru 1500 Bottle 10 10 5,500 - HK
2016 Domaine Harmand-Geoffroy - Mazis Chambertin Grand Cru
1500 ml Bottle HK HKD 5,500 / BTL 10 case available
Bottle size
Qty of unit
Qty of btl
Btl price (HKD)
Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business. 根據香港法律,不得在業務過程中,向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類。 The wines are offered subject to remaining unsold. Title to all wine remains with The Fine Wine Experience until paid for in full.提供的货物仍有待售。 货物所有权只在收到全额付款到The Fine Wine Experience的帐户後转移。
HK / HK storage; ready for delivery within 1-2 business days.
HK-Shop / available for in-store purchase in Sai Ying Pun / Pedder Building. Please contact us for more details.
HK Pre-arrival wines in transit to Hong Kong. Please contact us for arrival estimate.
En-Primeur / wines still in chateau; will arrange delivery to once wine is received in HK